Our firm has founded in 1984 as a family run company with 2 doubling and 4 Twisting machines as a Twisting Mill.
In years, Karteks had a deserved success symbol in sector with focussing on quality, right away service and customer satisfaction. In 2003, company took an investment decision for a spinning mill and the first section of the mill started to production in 2005 with the capacity of 14 tones per day. With the new investments made in 2008, 2012, 2016, 2018 and 2020, Karteks achived a hard accessible success and by growing totally 15 times in 15 years the firm had a capacity of 200 tones ring compact yarn per day within 251.000 spindles in four different plants and became one of the leader companies in spinning sector in Turkey.
On the other hand, in 2009, to follow innovations and reach maximum production efficiency Karteks has renewed the Twisting mill with all its machinery and equipments. The mill continues it activities with the capacity of 25 tones per day within 40 twisting and 15 doubling machines.

Tones Monthly Production
Happy Employee
Quality Award
Our Purpose and Goal
Speciality that we have in the sector, modern technology, creativity mind and various product alternatives are our biggest assets in order to meet our customers’ today and future needs.
Our future target is to employ more people and put on our brand value by continuously growing up and being quality pioneer with the participation of our employees.Production Graphics by Years (Tons)
Our Mill’s Production Capacity Graphic By Years
Production Yearly (.../Tons)
Increase Yearly (.../Tons)